Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spores! Spores! Spores!

Multiple choice quiz!

Referring to the images, do they depict:
A) An explosively growing colony of mold, first discovered last week, and just about the last thing you want to discover in your attic;
B) Pictures from *our* attic;
C) Something thankfully not affecting the air quality in the living space of the house;
D) Something first discovered when discussing a bathroom remodel with the contractor (the bathroom ceiling abuts the attic);
E) A problem we thought had been contained years ago when we hired a roofer with experience in problem attics and fixed the bathroom fans so they vented to the outside rather than directly into the attic; 
F) Something that thankfully should be solvable with money, and thankfully it looks like our homeowner's coverage with Vermont Mutual should cover most of it.
G) All of the above.

If you guessed (G), give yourself a gold star!  I'd have another multiple choice quiz asking who spent several hours this weekend hauling carboard boxes out of the attic and to the dump this past weekend, but that would be too easy.  I also learned, after all these years, that "Toys in the Attic" is an Aerosmith song.  I first heard (and prefer) the R.E.M. cover on Dead Letter Office.  

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