Sunday, August 9, 2009

Glitz (Leonard, Elmore) 1985

The inside cover mentions the Time magazine article that proclaims Leonard the "Dickens from Detroit". What, did they go through all the famous authors with last names starting with "D" and pick out the one they thought wrote most closely to the crime genre? Sure, you can make the argument that Dickens is one of the forefathers of the crime genre, but Leonard's work bears as much resemblance to Dickens' as you and I do to an Australopithecus. Leonard is a clear successor to Chandler (note: I haven't read Hammett), though he's actually less "shocking" for his time because so many barriers have come down. At any rate, Glitz was entertaining and well-written, but I don't feel the need to read any more Leonard. I saw Out of Sight and Get Shorty; those films and this book all felt like they were populated by roughly the same characters put along a different plot, so if I've read one Leonard novel, I've read them all, right?

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