Friday, August 21, 2009


My BIL gave us Audiosurf for Christmas 2008. Well, technically he gave it to Sarah, but Connor and I are the ones who play it. Here's the game:
  1. You give it any mp3** to analyze.
  2. It creates a track based on the analysis of the song.
  3. You ride the track along to the song, picking up various-colored blocks to score points.
  4. At the end, your total gets compared to every other person IN THE WORLD who rode this song, and hopefully you land on the high scoreboard.
There are a number of different "personas" you can play, from Pointman (pick up blocks and stack them in groups of 3 or more, different block colors are worth different amounts) to Mono (avoid grey blocks and pick up single-colored blocks), and three different "levels" (Casual, Pro, and Expert) at which you can play, with a high-score board for each.

It's a bargain at ten bucks.

** or whatever other formats audiosurf supports

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