Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Among Others (Jo Walton) 2010

This might not be the best book I read this year, but it might be my favorite.  Suzy McKee Charnas's back cover blurb beautifully explains its charms:
I don't know when I've seen such an intense, heartfelt exploration in fiction of what it is to struggle with being an outsider as a young person.... This is a love letter, laced with sharp-edged anguish and triumph, from within the SF/F genres to the SF/F genres.  Among Others shows just how such books are not only entertaining stories but social lifelines.
Ironically, Charnas's The Vampire Tapestry was not published in time to be name dropped in Among Others (the narrative of which ends in February 1980), but I like to think that Mor reads it soon.

I'm even more overjoyed to have been recommended this book because I read Farthing seven years ago, based on the strength of it being a finalist for the Nebula award, and was so put off that I didn't bother looking up any of Walton's other books.  Now I might have to go look up Tooth and Claw... and since Fletcher Free doesn't have it, I'll make like Mor and fill out an inter-library loan slip.

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