Thursday, May 23, 2013

So Yesterday; Scott Westerfeld; 2004

The library didn't have Uglies, so I picked this up as a consolation prize until their copy of Uglies comes back or I break down and buy the series. 

So Yesterday reminds me a lot of Little Brother, and sure enough, there's at least one Cory Doctorow reference in there... of course, oddly enough, So Yesterday predates Little Brother's publication by four years, which leads to the question: is it actually better?

Not really.   So Yesterday is just as well written as Little Brother, but its fatal flaw is that there are no real stakes, like if Harry and Hermione worked hard to protect the philosopher's stone, but it turns out Voldemort hadn't really come back and Dumbledore was just holding the stone for a client who wanted to buy it from Flamel.

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