Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Peter Parker, vlogger

I have the Onion in my Reader for the headlines, and at first I simply chuckled at "Economically Healthy 'Daily Planet' Now Most Unrealistic Part Of Superman Universe" and moved on.  Then I realized that any new Superman story would probably be improved if Perry White were a semi-fictionalized Arianna Huffington, though Perry, at least in the movies, seems like a nice guy, and from what I read of Huffington she'd be a better model for J. Jonah Jameson... oh. And then I realized (probably about six years later than I should have) that any new Spiderman story would be vastly improved if Peter Parker blogged video of Spiderman's exploits.  Video is now cheap, blogger is free, and he'd simply turn on the ads to make a few bucks.


  1. Exclusive footage of Spider-man in action would probably be worth more than a few bucks. A means of self-financing crime fighting with superpowers! But would you be able to protect your secret identity? Or is the secret identity obsolete in this age of reality television? What's the upside of blending in in the 21st century?

    1. That's an excellent question about whether the secret identity is obsolete in the 21st century... I dunno, but I think the chance to examine that question is part of the upside of blending in the 21st century. Otherwise, it should just be set in the 60's like X-men: First Class.
