Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chronicle (2012)

We saw a movie the year in which it was released!  Wow, it came out in February, didn't bomb at the box office, and actually came in the mail shortly after it was released (unlike Sherlock and Game of Thrones, sitting on "very long wait", and demanding that we switch to the streaming model).  

This is basically the Professor X / Magneto story, but with not-so-introspective teenagers in Seattle.  Oh, and they threw in a token black guy to get killed so that the two white male leads would have something to feel really bad about.  Really?  REALLY?!  It's particularly galling because Steve has far more screen presence than Andrew or Mack/Matt/whatever-the-heck-his-name-is.  And if you thought we were supposed to feel sympathetic toward Magneto because his family was killed at Auschwitz, well, Andrew's mom is dying of cancer, and his dad is an ex-firefighter who collects disability, gets drunk at 8 in the morning, and beats Andrew.  And he's also the least cool kid in school and gets picked on by everyone (maybe they've lifted a little Peter Parker, too).  So, aside from the hackneyed plot and weak character development (though I shouldn't complain too much -- there actually was some character development!), we did have fun watching this. 

1 comment:

  1. I liked it too, until about 85% of the way through, when I could see where they were headed. Didn't like where they headed. But still a good movie.
