Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)

Sean Bean, noooooooooooo!

Netflix expected me to dislike this film, so I went in with low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised for the first half hour or so.  It moves along briskly, and Percy's journey west has a more quest-like feel because they're looking for pearls at specific locations rather than haphazardly running into monsters.  Uma Thurman has a good cameo.  Dropping Clarisse and merging some of her role into Annabeth seemed like a shaky decision, but hey, sometimes you have to drop characters for the movie and they'd earned a little leeway.  Ares also gets dropped, and so those of us who read the book are in the dark as to the location of the master bolt.  

Then we reach Hades, and Rosario Dawson has a good cameo.  And then... no Kronos.

No Kronos.


There's a whole series of books predicated on the idea that the titans are trying to return, and that's dropped from the movie?  Were they not planning on making a sequel, even before it tanked at the box office?  The last 30-40 minutes are just catastrophically bad as they try to rewrite the ending from this perspective.

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