Monday, July 9, 2012

If I could go back to 1970 and make a single mandate to car manufacturers...

... it would be to require fuel efficiency gauges in all vehicles, and let American competitiveness do the rest.  Who wouldn't be doing their damnedest to maximize their mpg if it was right in front of their face, and you could immediately see that what you drove and how you drove directly affected that number?  (okay, probably a lot of people, but fewer than now)  

Someday, I want full bars all the way across the top, but that would require a very, very long downhill stretch.


  1. Jim managed the full bars on a downhill stretch as we were coming down from Hurricane Ridge on the Olympic Peninsula... she was indecently proud of herself.

    1. Reading about that, I'm indecently proud of Jim! Out east, I was thinking maybe trying Mt. Washington for the full bars.
