Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Mote in God's Eye; Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle; 1974

How I hate the 60's and 70's mainstream SF androcentric gender politics.  There are some direct attempts to criticize the strict gender roles of the Second Empire of Man, but the actual writing of the only female character betrays these efforts**.  Lady Sally Fowler is a competent, if well-connected***, anthropologist who does useful work for the expedition to the Mote, but whose ultimate purpose is "to keep Blaine active.  When he does not brood, he is good officer."  Cordelia Naismith, we need you!

This is otherwise one of the better 70's Nebula finalists that didn't actually win the award.  

** the wikipedia entry notes that Heinlein gave them extensive advice; never a good sign for the female characters.

*** being well-connected is acknowledged as a "sin", both against Lady Sally's credentials as a xenobiologist and Lord Rod Blaine's credentials as a naval captain.  Rod is able to expiate these sins beyond all reasonable doubt, but there remains a shadow over Sally's accomplishments.

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