Saturday, September 12, 2009

Veronica Mars (2004-2007)

We finished all three seasons.  The show is definitely worth having a look at, though the series doesn't really "end" in the sense that they laid a lot of groundwork for season 4 during season 3 and decided not to try to finish all the story arcs when it seemed like season 3 might be the last.  Seasons 2 and 3 are decidedly weaker than season 1, if only because it's "more of the same", though Veronica's romantic life becomes stale in seasons 2 and 3 (see spoilers below).  Still, I'm a little sad there wasn't a season 4.  A lot of plot goes by per show because the scenes are so short and the pacing is fast.  Bang, bang, bang.

== spoilers ==

My biggest concern about seasons 2 and 3 is the spoiling of Logan and Veronica's relationship.  They built up a lot of credit on how well this played out in season 1, then squandered it all in season 2, and by and during season 3 I didn't really care any more.  This is not good.  

I'm also really disappointed that the Aaron Echolls murder never seems to be investigated.  That's a serious problem.

Also of concern, Wallace gets the shaft a bit in seasons 2 and 3, screen-time-wise, as they develop other characters.  In season 2, they essentially remove him from the series to Chicago for a few episodes, and Mac gets a little more development (this is not entirely a bad thing, since she's an interesting character).  The real problem is Piznarski in season 3, who steals "good guy" time from Wallace and "potential boyfriend" time from Logan.  

Veronica does several brain-dead things:

  • Every so often, she jumps to early (erroneous) conclusions in order to create drama.  It's forgivable for the writers to do this, but annoying.
  • Less forgivable of the writers, at the end of season 1, Veronica doesn't stay in a public place with the tapes, but instead drives home alone in her car.  At the very least, Aaron shouldn't be hiding in the back seat of her freakin' car!
  • Least forgivable is that at the end of season 2, Veronica doesn't seem to realize that Mac is perfectly safe as long as Cassidy thinks he's in the clear.  Mac and Veronica were only in danger because she *texts* that Cassidy is a killer, like that's a secure way to communicate!  We know that Veronica knows better, and shouldn't overreact like this.

Random fun stuff:

  • Logan, meet Logan.  Matt Czuchry, who plays "no-good rich boyfriend" Logan Huntzberger to Rory on Gilmore Girls, has a guest spot in "Charlie Don't Surf" in season 3 and spends a fair amount of screen time with Logan Echolls, the "no-good rich boyfriend" on Veronica Mars.  Personally, I think Lorelei should be happy with the Logan her daughter was dating.
  • A great Rocky Horror reference comes in "Ahoy, Mateys!" in season 2, when Veronica and Mac are looking for the pirate radio station, and find it in Vice-Principal Clemmons' basement (being run by his son, Vincent).  In general, the cultural references are very good; unfortunately, they seem aimed at people in their 30's, which may not be the age demographic the station was hoping to hit with this show.

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