Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Audiosurf album "review" : The Queen is Dead

You don't need me to tell you that this is a great album; see the links to the reviews from the Wikipedia page for The Queen is Dead.  It's also tons of fun to ride on Audiosurf; "Never Had No One Ever" was the only unsatisfying ride.

  1. The Queen Is Dead -- Time 6:24 -- Traffic 144
    It's all downhill after that short climb at the beginning, but the ride is fairly smooth, the traffic isn't too bad, and there are several mini-slowdowns, so it's not too harsh a run for those of us who were alive when the album was originally released.

  2. Frankly, Mr. Shankly -- Time 2:19 -- Traffic 176
    Uphill followed by a bumpy stretch that goes slightly downhill. I have to admit that I didn't notice the bumps as much as in other songs, perhaps because Morrissey's voice smooths the bumps a bit, and none of them are sharp stops that can trip you up (we'll get to plenty of those with Prince and They Might Be Giants).  I played this one a few times because it's short, and I didn't finish clean at first... I wasn't paying attention to the end of the song coming up and was left with a couple reds.

  3. I Know It's Over -- Time 5:49 -- Traffic 130.
    Gradual uphill (with mini-downhill run) to a sharp peak followed by downhill run.  There's little enough traffic that you still have the reaction time to pick up blocks while your soul is gently torn into little strips and tossed in the air like so much confetti.

  4. Never Had No One Ever -- Time 3:37 -- Traffic 133.
    Weeeeird.  When I first played this, it was a bumpy downhill ride for the first 2/3, then bumpy and roughly level.  When I re-ripped the album because tracks 9 and 10 weren't playing correctly, the pattern changed.  That's file corruption for you!  This is the only song on the album that I don't really like.  The lyrics are comparatively boring and repetitive, and it serves only the purpose of being a cracker to clear the palate before you're hit with Cemetry Gates.

  5. Cemetry Gates -- Time 2:41 -- Traffic 242.
    A downhill run that's tough to play Pointman on.  I've read that as traffic goes > 200, Pusher beats Pointman, and my very limited experience seems to bear that out; however, I enjoy playing Pointman much more than Pusher, so I'm sticking with the Point.  I love this song.

  6. Bigmouth Strikes Again -- Time 3:14 -- Traffic 318
    Downhill, super-high traffic, this run is absolutely terrifying on Pointman.  I spent a lot more time than usual riding in the shoulder, waiting for little breaks in the blocks to swoop in and drop blocks.  I think I see how the Pusher player works on runs like this: you sit in the middle and simply move blocks to one side or the other, or let them fall in the center.

  7. The Boy with the Thorn in His Side -- Time 3:17 -- Traffic 252
    Another downhill run, but after "Bigmouth", this one doesn't feel too scary.

  8. Vicar in a Tutu -- Time 2:22 -- Traffic 256
    Ack.  Another downhill run, and for some reason this one feels more brutal than the Boy with the Thorn in His Side. Part of it is that the end is still a steep downhill, rather than a slight uphill as in the previous three songs, so there's little time to catch an extra block and finish clean as you hit the end.

  9. There is a Light that Never Goes Out -- Time 4:03 -- Traffic 216
    Another downhill run, but not as directly downhill, with a little less traffic overall and petering out nicely at the end so you can recover from any blockages you might have incurred earlier in the run.  Unfortunately, no chance at the high score, or even the top three.  Those are really impressive rides.

  10. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others -- Time 3:14 -- Traffic 244
    The album finishes with one last mostly downhill run.  It's less steep than The Queen is Dead, with most of the elevation change occurring before you're halfway through the song, but there's a lot more traffic.

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