Monday, September 3, 2007

West is the Best?

Here are the cumulative games over .500, by division, after games of 2007-09-02

East 4 -9
Cent -5 -38
West 23 25

I don't often read about comparisons between divisions, but this seems like a reasonable rough-and-ready statistic; clearly, the NL Central is a terrible division, so everyone wondering whether the Cubs playing barely above .500 is due to the NL Central being a "competitive" division can lay those worries to rest -- maybe they're competitive with each other, but compared to other divisions, not so much. What is mildly surprising is the dominance of the western divisions in each league. Oh, certainly, a more comprehensive metric would be needed to compare divisions across leagues, since there is a 22 game differential between the AL and NL, and I'm certainly annoyed that the AL West and NL Central are unbalanced in the the number of teams in those respective divisions (this really, really, really needs to be addressed), but I'm still happy with cumulative games over .500 as a quick check on the strength of divisions.

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