Thursday, September 6, 2007

The "Other" Paperback Reutter

Before choosing this moniker for my blog, I ran through several other ideas and promptly discarded them after quick searches to determine that they were already in use by thousands of other people. But then I remembered that my friend Randi referred to me as "Paperback" Reutter in her link to my grad student website from her grad student website, and there just aren't very many Reutters out there... so a search on paperback reutter on Google revealed paperbacks by Mark Reutter (no relation) and, about 15 hits down, Randi's old website! Whee! I love seriously out-of-date personal pages that never get taken down. So the way seemed clear and here we are.

Uh-oh. But if you run a search on "paperback reutter", you get the newsletters for Nate & Ruth Reutter, missionaries to Brazil (also no relation). Actually, the links from the Google hits appear to be broken, so you have to go to their main site at and navigate from there to find their "Paperback Reutter" newsletters.

At any rate, while I feel like I've arrived at the ball wearing the same dress as another debutante, I'm confident in knowing that Randi's ancient website distinguishes me as the "original" paperback Reutter on the web. ;-)

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