Tuesday, September 29, 2020

State Treasurer's race VT 2020

Ballot arrived Friday.  Looking through all the candidates.  VPIRG has a list of links to candidates' platforms, and VTDigger has a candidate guide.  

Carolyn Whitney Branagan; Republican.  The top-level items on her website each seem to be an issue of interest to the candidate, and there is both video and text describing her position.  She answered VTDigger's questions in detail, which is appreciated.  In a question about the state's investment portfolio, says, "The hardworking folks who administer it, and the state treasurer herself, have done well."  This is honest, but given that the Treasurer's #1 problem for the last decade has been the underfunding of the VT Retirement Fund, it's not clear what the candidate believes she can do to fix this that Beth Pearce isn't already doing, and Branagan's page on this issue doesn't offer a plan.

Cris Ericson; Progressive.  Discussed in the Lt. Governor's race.

Beth Pearce; Democratic.  Made a half-hearted effort to respond to VTDigger.  Has a clearly labeled Issues page on her website, but her positions are outlined in MS Word documents, and they appear to be from 2016 and 2018.  

Alex Wright; Independent.  Did not answer VTDigger's questions.  Zero web presence.  Googling "alex wright" only turns up the retired wrestler.

Also see: the Lieutenant Governor's race.

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