Sunday, September 27, 2020

Governor's race VT 2020

Ballot arrived Friday.  Looking through all the candidates today.  VPIRG has a list of links to candidates' platforms, and VTDigger has a candidate guide.  

Wayne Billado III; Independent.  His most easily discoverable online presence related to his gubernatorial run appears to be an 8 month old reddit thread, and a Facebook page that was moribund until last week.  He's also running for Lt. Governor.  If you can't decide which statewide office you're suited for, don't expect me to decide for you.  

Michael Devost; Independent.  No presence beyond a candidate profile video.

Charly Dickerson; Unaffiliated. No web presence. 

Kevin Hoyt; Independent.  Facebook page full of videos.  Appears to be a one issue candidate (2nd amendment) full of vague accusations of corrupt Montpelier leadership and the need for Vermonters to "stand up and reclaim their state".  

Emily Peyton; Truth Matters.  Unlike the first four candidates, has actually responded to VTDigger's questions for candidates, created a website, maintains an active Facebook page (though it's not clear how all of the activity relates to her candidacy), and Twitter account (ditto).  The answers to VTDigger's questions are most illuminating.  There's a lot to agree with in there, but there's also a suggestion that most of the COVID-19 deaths are due to recent installation of 5G networks and not COVID-19.

Phil Scott; Republican.  Scott's website outlines no plans or policy positions, which matches his Governance by reaction, rather than leadership.  Has not answered VTDigger's questions.  He's running on his COVID-19 response and incumbency.  

Erynn Hazlett Whitney; Independent.  A website that clearly lays out the candidate's most important issues, but without any links to further details on policy for those issues, so while there's a lot to agree with in there, one is left with questions...  Facebook, Twitter, and Insta presences are collectively reasonably active, but not illuminating.  Has not answered VTDigger's questions.

David Zuckerman; Prog/Dem.  Website lays out the candidate's plans and positions on the issues in detail.  Has responded to VTDigger's questions.  I am a little concerned about a supermajority in the state congress + governor, because best policy doesn't come from an echo chamber.

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