Monday, July 30, 2018

Colchester triathlon 2018: new rules, and try not to step on the clams

From the 2016 tri, no longer allowed... but look at that form!
One of the changes this year was that, near the end of the swim leg, once you crossed the pink buoys, you were required to stop swimming and wade in.  I guess they didn't want a mix of people wading and people swimming until they were in a couple feet of water?  Maybe there are dangers that aren't apparent to me, but...
 of the reasons why I liked to swim as long as possible is that I'm faster swimming than wading.  The other is that Mallets Bay has a lot of clams, or zebra mussels, or something, and while Colchester Parks and Rec did a great job clearing away as many as they could, I still sliced my foot open on one while wading in.

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