Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Clash of Clans

Reporting three weeks in to my own village: Town Hall is still level 5 (same as last week); most of this week has been a matter of upgrading buildings and participating in my first Clan War.
Perhaps this has been done in other games and I'm just ignorant, but I like how SuperCell has created a social game with a PvP element that seems to elegantly avoid the possibility of bullying via ganging up to repeatedly destroy a particular village, all through the simple tactic of not allowing you to search for a specific opponent when you go on a raid. 

There are lots of nits to pick in gameplay, so I'll just focus on the most serious I've seen: it appears to be a valid, possibly even preferable, strategy to purposefully lose trophies so that you can amass enough resources to make a major upgrade in peace.  For example, when upgrading your town hall to level 8, rather than leaving yourself open to loot raids from other members of the Gold league, you can easily make several attacks where you send in a single barbarian in order to get knocked down to the Silver or Bronze league, where no one can effectively steal resources from you.  This is perverse, and staying in your "proper" league needs to be properly incentivized, possibly through sizable loot bonuses for membership, or by not allowing you to drop down a league once you've attained a particular level (though this latter might have its own problems if someone rises too fast through the ranks).

Okay, one more because it's related and I've just been through a Clan War: I don't think there's enough incentive to stretch yourself to go after the best-defended war villages.  Because getting stars is what matters most, too many of our high level clan members are going after weaker villages.  Theoretically, this should backfire against a well-organized clan that right-sizes their attacks, but the reality is that most clans have enough members that aren't participating that this is a valid, even preferable, strategy.  The problem is that it shuts out the weaker members of our clan who are slow to attack the villages that they have a chance of winning against.  A simple solution might be to only give you a maximum of 2 stars if you win against someone weaker than the village that CoC automatically "matches" you against (CoC seems to choose a village that's much weaker than what you can actually beat).

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