Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Old news

This has been the week of learning about old news.  In no particular order:
  1. daddytypes' amazing Marxist review of the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA.  This speaks for itself.
  2. The existence of the LandfillHarmonic Recycled Orchestra.  Again, speaks for itself.
  3. Ryan North's review of the novelization of Back to the Future.  (note: this will be given further comment at a later date)
  4. David Milano's project to read H.P. Lovecraft to kids around Halloween and have the kids draw pictures of Cthulhu.  This is now on the calendar, along with the yearly reading of A Night in the Lonesome October.
  5. The fact that North Dakota is not a state

    How is this not huge news?  I mean, after 100+ years of pretending North Dakota has been a state, I assume we'll just go on pretending that it was a state all those years, just as soon as they fix the state constitution.  Of course, it took 16 years just to put together a bill to make those corrections!!!  What the hell, North Dakota?  The scary part is that when I google north dakota not a state, I get a bunch of posts that mention the story, but no follow-up on whether they actually fixed their constitution.  Well, did they?!  Or have they been so busy trying to ban abortion that they forgot?

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