Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wedding Crashers (2005)

I hate to admit it, because I thought it would be terrible, but I actually liked Wedding Crashers.  I don't remember why it went in the queue, but Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn have good chemistry, and the raunch is an occasional injection, rather than a constant factor.  Oddly enough, my favorite thing about the movie is Bradley Cooper (whom we knew as Will Tippin), who steals every scene.  I *hate hate hate* the character (I mean, we're supposed to, but still), but he's absolutely amazing in walking the fine line between playing a character so despicable that it brings the comedy down and going not quite so far over the top that he's simply ridiculous and can't be taken seriously as an impediment to the romance.  Also great is Rachel McAdams (whom we knew as Irene Adler from the Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes), though maybe I'm just reacting to how they've done her up so that she looks like an all-American daughter of Cora Crawley.

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