Sunday, February 3, 2013

Leviathan; Scott Westerfeld; 2009

There has been a trend of YA Nebula finalists in recent years, and this is pretty good YA steampunk, with inventive fabricated beasties and interesting characters to follow.  The novel doesn't really conclude; the ending is more of the "we'll see you in the next novel" variety that works best for me when I have the next novel at hand.  Sigh... I don't, and the library's copies are out, but at least they're in print.

One other thing that feminist readers might as well be prepared for going in:
She glared at the three boys riding in the front of the bus [...]. The tallest hardly came up to Deryn's shoulder.  They couldn't be so much stronger, and she didn't credit that they were as smart or brave.
(page 24 of the Simon Pulse 2010 paperback)
Based on the rest of the novel, I get the impression that Deryn is supposed to be particularly skinny and so this is a reasonable thought, but in that moment in the story, this reads as a casual assumption that possession of a penis necessarily makes one stronger, which is simply not true (as opposed to more likely, which is).  I disbelieve that Deryn has this misunderstanding.

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