Friday, January 18, 2013

Brave; 2012

My snarky desire to comment that it was too soon to remake Brother Bear** in the Scottish Highlands is at war with my natural bias in favor of redheads is at war with the sneaking suspicion that my agreement with the gender politics behind the movie*** is affecting my judgement of its artistic merits.

But what the heck; I really liked Brave.  So did the kids.  In fact, it's now my 4th-favorite Pixar movie, after The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Up, roughly in that order.

** or maybe that it was too soon to do another remake of Brother Bear, since the plot of The Princess and the Frog is also "be unwillingly transformed into something non-human and learn about yourself", though really we should probably consider all three of these remakes of The Emperor's New Groove... but not quite Beauty and the Beast, because Belle is the main character and she has no idea there's any hope for Beast's salvation?  Likewise, Arthur is willingly transformed in The Sword in the Stone... but then, is Brave different from The Emperor's New Groove because Merida isn't the one who undergoes the animal transformation???.  In any case, why the heck has Disney suddenly gone animal transformation crazy in the last twelve years?

*** I'm all in favor of normalizing stories with heroines that don't get married right away and are perfectly happy.

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