Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Secret of Roan Inish (1993)

Every once in a while we put a movie in the netflix queue for the kids.  Invariably they initially rebel, and sometimes, like with the Black Stallion, they come around and end up loving it.  Not so, here, and we finally admitted defeat 40 minutes in and did something else with the rest of the evening.  After the kids were put to bed, we finished watching.  There's a lot of film of people telling stories, and the cute little girl running around shrieking "JIMMY!", and one very cool special effect of a selkie transformation.  So, no, I can't really recommend it, and am not sure why netflix thought we'd like it.

On the other hand, the current Bad Machinery storyline (which started, I think, here, back in January) features selkies, and even though I only get a single strip at a time, I'm still engaged in the story and want to know what will happen.


  1. That movie was not the least bit satisfying. I remember not liking it in 1995.

    1. Hey, that's not what the Wolff Movie Index says! And we were depending on it... http://lggwg.com/wolff/html/revSecret--of--Roan--Inish,--The.html
