Thursday, February 4, 2010

Video gamers doing tabletop rpg

Penny Arcade is in my RSS feed reader (and it should be in yours if you care even a smidgeon about computer gaming, and maybe even if you don't), and the most fascinating story of the past year+ has got to be "Gabe"'s ongoing foray into gamemastering a Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 campaign.

Some of the stuff is really cool, like creating a 3D gamespace for arbitrating a combat in freefall (and scroll down).  

His players also twitter during the gaming session, and I can't decide whether this is annoying or something that we should try to do at PrinceCon.

I also liked the discussion of players not feeling sufficiently threatened, and the need for new gamemasters to understand the Old Ways (and the written discussion).  Player death, and in particular the decreasing rates of player death over time, is an annual discussion among the PrinceCon GMs.  When I GM, I try to shoot for creating situations in which the possibility of character death is possible, but good play allows them to live.  Unfortunately I err on the side of not being dangerous enough.  This year I'll get a few for sure!

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