Friday, February 12, 2010

Forgetting to turn off the mp3 audio

A former co-worker sent me "Invest in Analytics: eHarmony's (not so) secret formula for competitive advantage."  at

It's an interesting video, but on a slightly embarrassing note, I often have my home desktop playing music during the day, and choose to listen or not listen by putting headphones on or taking them off.  It just so happened that as I clicked on the link to the video and put my headphones on, the mp3 player was between songs, and so the video began just as the Who's "Teenage Wasteland" started.  I had forgotten that I had music playing and took it to be the background music for the video.  I thought it was an odd choice, especially since the singing was competing with Meta's voice at times, but figured she knew what she wanted to do with it, and it wasn't until 10 seconds were left in the video and the "soundtrack" jumped to "The Russian and Molokov" from Chess that I realized what had happened.


I still like the idea of adding a soundtrack to the video, though.

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