Thursday, July 3, 2008

Failures to communicate

Connor and Sarah just had this conversation. This is all we could reconstruct----wish we had a transcript b/c it was far funnier in real life...

Connor: Mommy, help me figure it out.

Sarah: What do want me to help you figure out?

Connor: Help me figure it out!

Sarah: What are you confused about?

Connor: What you were talking about.

Sarah: I'm a little confused, Connor. What would you like me to help you understand? Can you explain to me what you're confused about?

Connor: You just keep talking and talking and I can't hear what you were saying when you are talking.

Sarah: Connor, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Connor: Tell me what it is.

Sarah: What's "it," Connor?

Connor: You keep saying that! You help me figure it out! I don't know what you mean.

Sarah: I don't know what you mean.

Connor: What you were telling me about it. You keep talking and talking and I lost track and you figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I had a similar conversation with Clara, but it wasn't that good.
