Sunday, January 7, 2024

Makt Myrkranna (Valdimar Asmundsson, 1901)

I read the 2016 English translation by Hans Corneel De Roos of Valdimar Asmundsson's 1901 Icelandic "translation" of Bram Stoker's Dracula, serialized into his weekly publication Fjallkonan.  It is significant because the Icelandic text differs quite a lot from the original text: the scenes in Transylvania are expanded, and the scenes in England are cut to 10% of the text in Dracula.  They are really little more than an outline, which is a shame.  It's unclear why Asmundsson cut the story short, but I can't really recommend it as a story, only for the curious. 

Some years ago I read the Icelandic sagas, so I found it interesting early on in Makt Myrkranna where Harker self deprecatingly notes, "I am too much the lawyer." (translator's note says it could also be read as "completely the lawyer")  In the sagas, poets, warriors, and those who knew the law were held in the highest regard, so this would read a little weirdly for someone coming from that tradition.

The foreward of the translation also mentions the Thames Torso Murders, which I had not heard of before.  I guess Jack the Ripper was the more acceptable serial killer for late 20th century kids to learn about?  


  1. Alex, you must tell how you got into Icelandic sagas in the first place??!? I can't imagine this is a genre somebody just picks out of the blue...? My only connection to Iceland is the music of Bjork. 🙂

    1. Honeymooned in Iceland, so I read Eyrbyggia Saga, The Prose Edda, Laxdaela Saga, Njal's Saga, and Egil's Saga in the summer before getting married Labor Day weekend. :-)

    2. Makes perfect sense. We connected to Copenhagen by way of Reykjavik a few years back, so I have been to Iceland, technically!

    3. You should definitely stop and stay there for a little while! And if you do, I'd recommend reading some of the sagas -- Laxdaela Saga and Njal's Saga are good ones to start with IMO.

  2. Also, I have no idea why I am known as AltSung here. I guess Google just gave me a name...
