Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Switching from Moto x4 to a Pixel 5a

(cleaning up old drafts; this experience is from last December)

I was largely happy with my old phone, a Moto x4, except for feeling the constant need to clear space (it was 32GB).  

Made an order through Google Fi.  Order was initially shipped to an address that I've never shipped a phone to, b/c of some hiccup in Google Pay.  The Google ecosystem needs to be a little clearer that all orders ultimately go through Google Store and paid/shipped through Google Pay, regardless of where the order was made.  Support was able to fix the issue, but here again Google's ecosystem was unclear.  Google Support kicked me to Google Fi-specific support, who helped to get the order rerouted to the correct address, even though it was a problem with Google Pay.  All's well that ends well, but this was a more stressful experience than it needed to be.

(Nine months later)

The Pixel 5a is vastly superior in every respect.  It is a little taller than the Moto x4, so it doesn't fit in pockets quite as easily, and I couldn't swap over the case, but it has held up well without one, and attaching a popsocket means I feel confident it won't slip out of my hand.  

Monday, September 5, 2022

Mini-rabbit hole of the day: H.H. Richardson and Richardson Auditorium

While looking up something else, I came across a photo of the Billings Memorial Library at UVM that noted it was designed by H.H. Richardson.  It looked so much like Richardson Auditorium at Alexander Hall I wondered if they related.  It turns out Alexander Hall was designed by William Appleton Potter, in imitation of Richardson's style, and while the hall was donated by the Alexander family, it was extensively renovated by a gift from David Richardson '66 (seemingly no relation to H.H.).