Sunday, July 5, 2015

Operation Shutdown

(extracted from the Art for Dummies description of "the Raft of the Medusa")

the most compelling
       remarkable work
    gazed for hour after hour
looted from public opinion

the contemporary tragedy
of mutiny and cannibalism
when one
waves frantically at the far, far distance

This is actually from months and months ago, but I'm just getting around to posting it now.  We did an exercise at a PTO meeting where we created a poem by extracting words from a randomly selected page of a book.  Mine was about the spectacle of the possibility of the federal government shutting down.  It seemed particularly appropriate, given the source material.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wait a minute, it'll change

Two days ago, weather forecast was sun, sun, sun, so we bought tickets for the July 4 VSO concert at Shelburne Farms.  This afternoon, the forecast went to 50/50 possible rain in the evening.  At 5:30pm, the gates opened for picnicking before the concert.  6pm, the skies opened, thunder and lightning, torrential downpour.  6:30pm, concert canceled.  7pm, rain stopped, sun out.  7:30pm, drizzling lightly.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

My William Sadler / Robert Patrick confusion

...or, Why I'm Once Again Thankful to Live in the Age of the Internet.

When Terminator 2 was released, I remember being told that the actor who played the T-1000 had been in Die Harder.  Naturally, I took this to mean that the T-1000 was the same actor as the colonel whathisname doing naked calisthenics in his hotel room, and not some redshirt who is offed early on in the luggage sorting room (or wherever the hell that scene is set in the airport; I'm not rewatching any of the Die Hard sequels; one way or another, he's gone in the first 20 seconds of that clip)**.  They didn't really look alike, but this was back in the dark ages, before I could look this up on the IMDB or compare movie clips on YouTube.

Anyway, this is why, when we rewatched Iron Man 3 the other night, I said, "Hey, it's President Robert Patrick!" before realizing a minute later, "Aw crap, no, that's... that's William Sadler.  We loved him in Wonderfalls."  I don't have this problem with movies made in the last 20 years.

** This was an entirely reasonable assumption, IMO.  If someone had told you that same summer that the main villain in the upcoming Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves movie had been in Die Hard, you would have assumed (correctly) it was the actor who played Hans Gruber, not Heinrich.