Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Burlington still has a soul, I hope?

There's a street next to my kids' school where parking is prohibited during school hours so that you don't block school-related traffic, like pickup and dropoff.  Generally, parents can also park there when volunteering in the school, or are on other school-related business.  Last week was parent-teacher conferences, and I guess because school was "out", and therefore no one should be parked there, even though they couldn't block school-related traffic because school was out, the police were more aggressive about ticketing people parked on that street, and I got a $75 ticket for parking on a mostly empty street with minimal traffic.

Ironically, I had watched John Oliver the night before...

Fortunately, there were clear instructions on the ticket envelope if you wished to contest the ticket, so I did, and just a couple days after dropping off my letter with the City Attorney's office, I got the good news that the ticket is being dismissed!  Yay!

However, this street is in a part of town where many residents do not have English as a first language, and might be less able to contest a ticket, and less able to afford to pay.  I am worried that the system does not work as well for them as it did for me.

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