Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Dungeon of Dread

At the moment, we're playing with the Pathfinder system.  We needed something after the short module in the Starter Kit, so I cobbled together a module from the Dungeon of Dread Endless Quest book and put it here.  The PNG is a flowchart map of the dungeon and the document describes the dungeon.

The party consisted of four female elves; one cleric, one mage, two rogues.  Favorite moments: 

  • This party is highly dexterous, so they tended to creep up upon encounters.  When they met the bugbear, their plan was to throw a flask of oil at it and fire flaming arrows into it to ignite the oil.  One rogue successfully hit the bugbear with the oil, but the other rogue and the cleric missed with the arrows.  In the next round, both rogues and the cleric missed with the arrows, at which point, the bugbear ran.

    The all-elven party missing moving targets with their missile attacks became a running theme throughout the dungeon crawl.
  • They encountered Black Fang, chained up, before Kalman, debated whether to set Black Fang free, and eventually decided to come back later.  After killing Kalman, they used the slightly defective wand of polymorph to turn Black Fang into a black kitten... which has extra-long canine teeth and bat-like wings

We now have the Rise of the Runelords adventure path to work with, but this was fun, so I might have a go at the other Endless Quest books.

Update: this is the map the players drew of the dungeon as they experienced it.

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