Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Saving a call to the repairman (Bosch washing machine edition)

We have a front loading Bosch 300 or something (I don't see the number anywhere on the machine itself, and the manual is, of course, for a whole line of machines).  It's great, given us no trouble until this morning's second load returned E:13.  Too many suds?  No.  Drain hose blocked?  No.  Time to turn to google.

This post on appliantology got me started in the right direction, because in the end, it turned out to be a blocked drain pump, but the posted instructions on how to get at the drain pump weren't right for my machine.

I wanted this video to have all the answers, but while the drain pump is, in fact, located in the front lower right of my machine, I don't have handy-dandy flip-down access to it on my machine.  

Fortunately, the manual does provide instructions on how to access the washer pump.  I couldn't understand the instructions (much cursing ensued), and the process is utterly ridiculous given the simplicity of access shown on the model in the video (more cursing ensued), until the 6th picture in the manual showed enough from my POV that I could figure out how to remove the panel, unscrew the pump cover, and remove a heavily damaged and stinky sock.

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