Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Colchester triathlon

The race was on Sunday and the results are now out.  I've put a spreadsheet of the individual results up on Google Docs.  Compared to last year's results, my swim and bike times were actually worse.  I'm not too concerned about the swim time, because scuttlebutt after the race last year was that last year's swim leg was shy of 1k, and everyone's times were low as a result.  The increase in my time from last year to this is consistent with the overall trend (maybe even slightly less of an increase, relatively speaking compared to the leaders).  It's still slightly embarrassing as a self-identified swimmer to be in the middle of the pack, even if the pack is very fit.  I'm pretty sure I did worse on the biking because I did more running and less biking than last year, because the running training was actually less wear and tear on my body (the position of my bike's handlebars is conducive to making my hands numb after 15 minutes of cycling; I really need to fix that for next year).  So: more open water swimming, more cycling with improved handlebars on the bike, and more overall conditioning so I can go faster on the running leg (I have no excuse, other than relatively poor conditioning, to not be doing a sub-25 minute 5k).

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