Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hey left hand, it's right hand. Whatcha up to? : VT DMV edition

We purchased a "new" used car, and the new license plates arrived on Saturday.  Thankfully, I have Sarahmac around to point out things like, "those are truck plates."  You know, because of the big TRK on the left side of the plate.

So this morning I call the DMV, using the number printed on the envelope that the plates came in -- the number that the envelope says to call if there are any problems with the plates -- and they can't help me.  Why?  Because these plates aren't in the system yet.  Call back in a week.  Why wouldn't these plates be put in the system as they're being put in the envelope?  I mean, aside from the obvious reason that the VT DMV's system for tracking this kind of information is horribly broken.

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