Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lego SW vs. KotOR

Connor got to a video game prize the other day, and while setting him up on the computer, Sarahmac accidentally clicked on the shortcut to start Knights the Old Republic instead of the Star Wars Lego game, and then left the room during the boot sequence.  At first he complained that the splash screen wasn't right, but he did it in such a whiny tone that Sarahmac declined to respond from the other room.  I came in from shoveling a few minutes later, just after Sarahmac had figured out what had happened and was starting to shut down KotOR and start up Lego SW.  It was clear that something was "weird" on the screen, but Connor wasn't complaining anymore.  Later that night at bedtime, Connor wanted to know when he'd be old enough to play KotOR, and opined that he had "been doing really well" against the sandpeople (which was where the last saved game happened to be).

The interface is considerably more complex in KotOR than SW Lego, but (as long as your character tends to choose "good" actions and build up light side force powers) it's actually harder to do "evil" things than in SW Lego (where you can easily choose to be Dooku, Vader, or the Emperor and force choke/lightning people), so we might be doing KotOR sooner rather than later, depending on how much of it he can run himself...

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