Friday, October 29, 2010

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)

Woo, video games.  So, Steam was offering KotOR for $10, so now I've finally played some of it.  I didn't realize that it was based on d20, so that was an interesting surprise.  So far, the game holds up pretty well after 7 years, and loads pretty zippily on a 2006-era desktop.  It's neat to see where BioWare improved on the GUI for DA:Origins -- certain actions in KotOR (going into stealth mode, equipping your character, saving the game) require way too many clicks and are agonizing.  What's a little frustrating is that even DA's equipping GUI isn't as good as Wizardry 8's (a 2001 release).  Sigh.  How hard can it be to drag and drop from the inventory to the paper doll?

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