Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Raising the next generation of book snobs

Sarah took Connor to see the Theatre Sans Fil production of the Hobbit -- that's right, life-size puppetry in the service of Tolkien storytelling.  What could be better?  Well, apparently a lot of stuff was left on the editing room floor, to the point where Connor wanted to know where the third troll was, and what happened to the elven king of the wood elves, and why Bard fought Smaug with a sword instead of shooting him with an arrow**.  His final analysis was "I liked the book better," but he still enjoyed the show.  We couldn't be prouder -- he's ready to tackle the Peter Jackson films!  (uh, once he's old enough to not find them scary)

** Sarah was more disheartened because the troll hoard was dropped entirely and Orcrist, Glamdring, and Sting  were given to the party by Elrond.  Beorn was, of course, dropped (as in the Rankin and Bass version).  More amusingly, Sarah was shocked during the show that they didn't call Bilbo's sword Sting, but something that sounded like Dard.  Well, upon reflection, the troupe is Québécois, and Dard is French for Sting

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