Friday, December 4, 2009

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)

I was going to write something long and pissy about how this film twists the knife in history's side and breaks it off at the hilt, but Kate Beaton does it so succinctly (about a different film, but still relevant to The Other Boleyn Girl) that I'm left with little need to spew.

Still, the anger burns!  Why does this movie make me particularly angry?  After all, I really liked Shakespeare in Love, the Lions of al-Rassan, and other works of fiction that play hell with history.  Here, I think it's the fawning over Mary Boleyn and the extolling of her virtues at the expense of continuing the smear campaign against Anne that was begun by the Duke of Norfolk that sets me off.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Acrobuffos is a duo that specializes in what might be called circus theatrical commedia dell'arte street-style performances and workshops around the globe.  Because they stick to movement theater, there is no language barrier to overcome, and their skits are immediately transferable to any locale.  Brilliant!  

Sadly, I have not seen them perform live, and I only know of their existence because of an article in my alma mater's alumni rag on Christina Gelsone.  I *have* had the honor and pleasure of seeing Christina's wonderful performance as Ariel in a Theater Intime production of the Tempest and dancing with her and others in the Aleta Hayes-choreographed Temporary Structures way back in 1994, so I can honestly say I'm jealous of everyone who has seen Acrobuffos live.