Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flattening the Curves: Good and Bad

Tom Evslin's Fractals of Change blog is in my Google Reader, and lately he hasn't been blogging so much because he's busy managing VT's share of the federal stimulus funds. He has posted some really interesting stuff on bringing a smart grid to VT, and the opportunity it affords. I love the simplicity of the argument "for" smart grid and the fact that the movement has a catchy phrase: "It's all about flattening the curves." Here's hoping it happens.

In a bit of serendipity, the same day Free Range Kids blogged about the child who got lost in the woods. It was actually the comment left by nemopsy on June 24, 8:13pm, that caught my attention because it says (with typos corrected) "Here in France mothers (and fathers) think to do everything instead of their children even when they are 25. They want them only to have the best of their lives. So there is no more best because there is no worst." That's a bad flattening of the curves.

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