Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring 2009 : Who are all these teams?

Last fall/winter is a haze, and I keep forgetting that the Phillies won the World Series, and that they played the Devil Rays to win it.   A bunch of players switched teams, but I keep forgetting who -- I vaguely remember the Yankees acquiring Sabathia, but he's still with the Brewers in my mind until he does something amazing for New York (good or bad).  I seem to recall Frankie K going to the Mets, but not Putz.  As for the Padres, Trevor Hoffman is out and with the Brewers(?!), Peavy is still there and probably seething but needing to pitch well for a new contract, Young might be good to go or injured or who knows what?  

Griffey is with the Mariners... again?  still?  Sometimes I want to turn back the clock a decade and beg him to stay with the M's.  Would his body still fall apart?  Would cheaters like Clemens, Bonds, and Rodriguez still have fabulous 00's at the expense of "good guys" like Griffey?  Well, all I know is that Griffey hit a HR on opening day for the Mariners, and all is temporarily right in the world.  

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