Monday, September 1, 2008

Juno (2007)

The darling independent film of 2007, we watched Juno with high expectations, and largely they were met. The dialogue struggles whenever they try to use "CURRENT TEEN SLANG!" and we're completely unbelieving part of the ending (see below), and Allison Janney's and Jennifer Garner's performances are a little cartoonish (maybe it's just how the characters are written?), but the movies succeeds with a number of plausibly written and honestly acted scenes.


The fact that Juno wants to get back together with her boyfriend who offers nothing during the first 8 months of her pregnancy (other than not staring at her belly) doesn't work. It's not that I don't believe that they couldn't get back together, it's that I don't see that feeling adequately explained from Juno's perspective, and it's too big a plot point for me to simply accept.

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