Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maddux back to La-La Land; "true rentals"

The AP has confirmed that the Padres and Dodgers are doing the sensible thing and Greg Maddux will once again be traded again as a mid-season rental. But "rental" is something of a misnomer here. The Dodgers now own Maddux's contract, just like they own Manny's and Blake's contracts. Sure, they only last to the end of the season, but it's not like a "true" rental where a team could send a player under contract through 2009 (or beyond) to a contender for a 2008 playoff run and then have that player back for 2009.

But maybe the MLB should allow true rentals. Maybe the Padres should be able to shop Peavy to the Dodgers/Diamondbacks/whoever for cash/prospects as a 2008 "rental", but Peavy's contract is still owned by the Padres, and he plays for the Padres in 2009 (until the season is a loss and his services are rented out again).

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