Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lake Effects

We went down to "the beach" by the lake at Leddy Park after nap today, only there wasn't any beach because the lake level is /so/ high that the water had come up to the hillside and covered all but a little bit of sand. You couldn't even walk down the shore. Needless to say, that spoiled a bit of our plans to play in the sand today, but we managed to have fun nevertheless. What was particularly interesting was how the days have been fairly hot here, but as soon as we got past the ice rink, we were hit with cold winds off the lake. Very brisk. So our visit to "the beach" wasn't as long as we expected; however, the Cremee window at the bagel shop was open, so we stopped by there on the way home because we had time. Then me 'n Connor ate corn on the cob (that we'd picked up at the grocery store this morning) outside on the bench as the sun is starting to make its way down.

This was also the day that we spent the morning getting Connor a haircut and going to the post office downtown to apply for their passports, in case we want to go to Montreal this summer and for when we go to Vancouver in 2010 for the Joint Statistical Meetings. It was only a little over an hour in and out of the post office, but that's a real long time with two kids under 4.

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