Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Gingerbread house stained glass windows

This was insanely easy to do, I can't believe we didn't know about this before, and all future gingerbread houses will have stained glass windows.  Next year, we'll swirl them a bit to make more interesting patterns.

Important Note: strongly recommend parchment paper for this.

Just add a few Jolly Ranchers on the sheet...

...and they bake right into the frame!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Twitterfeed is dead. Long live...


In advance of the sad day when Twitterfeed shuts down, I'm testing out options.  In addition to buffer.com and dlvr.it, it looks like IFTTT is a possibility.  If this were a fair test and, I would try out all three services and compare and contrast, but I'm just looking for something that is quick and easy, so if this dlvr.it test works out, that's what I'll use.

One positive so far is that it looks like dlvr.it will pull posts from my blog and send to both twitter and facebook.  The "post to FB" feature broke on twitterfeed a while ago, and I've just lived with it only sending to twitter (blogger already does its own automatic send to G+).

So here goes.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Night in the Lonesome October

October has begun, along with our traditional month-long family bedtime reading of Roger Zelazny's A Night in the Lonesome October, his last novel, and my favorite of his.  The book is broken into a chapter for each day of the month, which makes it great for doing a chapter a night and following how the story progresses over the course of the month.

The characters in the book are all references to existing character in fiction and life, and while some are obvious, others are not.  Christopher Kovacs has an illuminating essay on this topic, perfect for *after* you've read the book.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Replaced a laptop keyboard

Kids broke a number of keys on my laptop keyboard, and I finally put on my big boy pants and replaced it.  It was surprisingly easy to follow the official instructions and swap the thing out.  The hardest part was attaching the keyboard connector, getting the pins lined up just right so that it clicked in place.  This step took a few minutes and only mild cursing, and is more evidence why it's a good thing I'm not a surgeon

You've been a good ole keyboard, daddy, but you done broke down

Sunday, August 7, 2016

2016 Colchester triathlon

The 2016 Colchester Triathlon has come and gone.  Many thanks to the volunteers and Colchester PD for staging another successful event.

The results are in, and at least I haven't gotten any slower overall.  Still need to work on the swim time.  

Once again vtsportsimages took pictures, and for the first time, I don't look terrible on the run (pictured below). 

I'm still face down in the water.  It's very shallow there, but I'm faster swimming than those guys are wading.  Look at the beautiful form on that arm!  
Not visible are the worried looks on the faces of the
people watching the race, because I breathe so
loudly while running

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Local primaries

Phil Scott wants me to vote for him in the primary on August 9.  Former Governor Jim Douglas agrees, though nowhere on the big, glossy postcard does it say which ballot he'll appear on.  In fact, nowhere on either side of the postcard does the word "Republican" appear.

EDIT: A friend points out that closer reading of the postcard reveals that Scott's party affiliation is there, if you only read between the lines, and provides the following, clearer view:

This view also makes me realize that the postcard includes a pokeball in the upper right corner.  Given the absence of any words that might describe Scott's positions on any policy ("if you won't take a stand, Scott, what'll you fall for?"), I will take this to mean that Scott has a favorable attitude towards Pokemon Go. #VoteForEmAll  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sometimes analog is better

Went swimming at the Y for the first time in forever and in the locker room they've swapped out the old mechanical scale (the kind with the weights you fiddle around with) for a digital scale.  

  1. Stepped on the digital scale. Nothing.  
  2. Flipped over digital scale, pushed button on the back, flipped it back, stepped on it. Nothing.
  3. Ten seconds later it finishes booting up, stepped on it. 189 pounds. Now, the last time I weighed 189 pounds I had an IBM PC with a 20MB hard drive. For the last decade, I've been in the 200-210 range. So I'm not believing this.
  4. Flipped over digital scale, pushed button on the back, flipped it back, waited for it to give some vague indication it was ready, stepped on it. Still 189 pounds.
Well, it's amazing how swimming just makes the weight slough right off.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Crazy stat of the day: suspended licenses

VTDigger reports that 59,000 Vermonters have suspended licenses.  For a state with just over 600,000 people, that sounds insanely high.  If there only about 460,000 people of driving age (and not all of them have licenses), then likely somewhere between 1 in 7 and 1 in 8 drivers have a suspended license** in Vermont. 

Poking around, this article suggests 1 in 10 for drivers nationwide (and 1 in 7 in Florida), so Vermont is hardly out of the norm for the U.S.  Just wow.

** I'd like to guess less about the number of licensed drivers in VT, but this site suggests there are 549,000 licensed drivers in VT, which clearly isn't right.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

'Tis the season

...for pine trees to litter the roadways like used condoms, their purpose fulfilled, having shielded us from the oppressive dark of winter with twinkly decorations and the promise of spring.

Of course, the de-decorated pine trees can extend their useful life if you have neighbors with goats; for example, the goats at Pine Island Farm like nothing better than a tasty pine tree treat.