Saturday, October 24, 2015

Someone left their shoes outside, or fun with optics

Came downstairs and saw a pair of shoes outside...

...but it was just their reflection in the glass.  Then the sun went behind a cloud, and the shoes were gone.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Queen City population follies

Apparently, if you don't send the U.S. Census Bureau accurate information, they may underestimate your city's population!  

This article raises a few questions:

  1. Has the City put procedures in place to respond to the Census Bureau's surveys in the future?
  2. How does Burlington's underwhelming population growth rate since 1970, relative to its metropolitan area, compare to other U.S. cities?  Is this unique to Burlington, or part of the general flight from downtowns to suburbia?
  3. Renters are spending 44% of their income on rent?  That's dangerous to your population.  It's one thing to do this as a graduate student temporarily living on teaching and research assistantships, but it's not sustainable as a paid professional trying to raise a family.  The 2014 Downtown Housing Strategy Report has some great recommendations, but can they be implemented on a reasonable timeline to make a difference?

Friday, October 9, 2015

Uprooted; Naomi Novik; 2015

Do you love Robin McKinley's stories of Damar?  Do you have a secret longing to read Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle rewritten in the style of one of McKinley's retold fairy tales and updated for a 2015 audience?  [Do you also secretly wish the sex scenes were slightly more explicit?]

If so, then get a copy of Uprooted IMMEDIATELY and start reading.  This has easily been my favorite book so far this year.